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Internetový publicista provozující AKA-MONITOR ISSN 1804-042X,.


Lean IT for CIOs

Štíhlý podnik, štíhlá výroba, štíhlá logistika, atd. - to všechno již známe.
Ale co štíhlé IT?
Na toto téma jsem vystavil kopii článku, který byl vystaven 14.7.09 na
portálu SearchCIO. 
"Lean principles, traditionally used by manufacturing companies to help
improve the production process and provide value to the customer, are
now being implemented in more service-oriented domains such as health
care, financial services and even IT. In a time when most companies
are still doing more with less, Lean thinking allows them to eliminate
waste and improve productivity.
Yet Lean is not just about cost cutting and doing more with less.
Learn more about how this continuous improvement methodology allows
companies and organizations to create sustainable change that
benefits the customer."
Otázky a odpovědi na ně:
- What are the Lean principles?
- What does Lean thinking mean?
- Who is using Lean?
- How can Lean thinking benefit IT?
- What type of Lean tools are available to enterprise CIOs?
Celý text najdete na TÉTO adrese.
Arnošt Katolický